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Brad McKenna – Hearing Loss Association of America | Boston Chapter

Toastmasters Online for People with Hearing Loss

Need a boost in confidence? Some friendly coaching to improve your speaking skills?

If so, you might like to join the Audible Talkers Toastmasters, which is designed for people with hearing loss. This friendly group meets online via Zoom the first and third Mondays from 6-7:15 pm Arizona time. Everyone is welcome. Questions? Contact Chirsty Abrams ([email protected]) or Harry Wolfe ([email protected]). 

Chapter Meeting: Hearing Restoration project:  Why is SNHL so hard to treat?

When: Wednesday September 18th at 6 pm.
Where: Zoom, you can register here.

Presenter Tian Wang, a molecular biologist who is currently Program Manager for the Hearing Restoration Project (a medical research program directly funded by Congress) will share with us why SNHL is so hard to treat.  With no agreed to underlying disease biology, SNHL treatments in trial are somewhat a shot in the dark with very low success rates.  Currently no approved FDA drugs exist although recent gene mutation reversal efforts show promise.  Tian will talk about exciting projects planned and what we as consumers can do to support hearing research.

Dr. Wang

Cybersecurity and Hearing Loss 

On Saturday, October 12, 2024, 2:00pm, The Greater St. Louis Chapter is having Andy Chandler give his Cybersecurity talk. This is a great opportunity to see a presentation that was first given at the HLAA Convention. Here’s their event description and sign-up link:

Andy Chandler, a Cochlear Implant recipient and cybersecurity expert with over 20 years of experience, will provide tips and tricks to help people with hearing loss be safe from scams. He spoke at a breakout session at the recent HLAA Convention in June, 2024. 

Come learn important information to protect yourself from scams. To register for the Zoom link, click here: