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Self-Driving Cars Study Participants Wanted

Researchers at the University of Michigan’s Departments of Family Medicine and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation are reaching out to people with disabilities to see if they are interested in participating in our study. The goal of this study is to learn more about what people with disabilities think about and want from autonomous vehicles (AVs), which are cars that drive with little or no human involvement. This research could help make AVs easier to use for people with disabilities.

Here’s the flyer. It has a different ways to contact them if you’re interested.

TED TALK: What you don’t know about hearing aids

Watch this!

For most of us, it is not a matter of if but when we will lose some of our hearing. Yet, we do not give hearing loss or hearing aids much thought until it happens to us or someone we love. It is then that we find out that hearing aids are incapable of restoring hearing to normal, especially in acoustically challenging situations.

The good news is that modern technology continues to bring us new, sometimes hidden, and often unknown features that can help those with hearing loss overcome more of their hearing challenges.

In this TED TALK,  Juliëtte Sterkens, AuD, an audiologist with forty years of experience in hearing rehabilitation turned consumer advocate with the Hearing Loss Association of America, clearly describes the challenges of hearing aids and what people with hearing loss can do to supplement their effectiveness.