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eNews – Hearing Loss Association of America | Boston Chapter



  • AppleTV’s Enhance Dialog feature. 
    From: Tom’s Guide reviews “When you’re watching your favorite shows or movies, it isn’t always easy to hear important bits of dialogue amid all the car crashes, background noise and swelling orchestral music. But if you’re watching something on the TV app on your iPhone, iOS 18 adds a tool… Read more: AppleTV’s Enhance Dialog feature. 
  • AirPods2 offer Hearing Help
    Apple AirPods2 offer a Hearing Test, Clinical-Grade Hearing Assistance, and Hearing Protection for those with mild to moderate hearing loss. More information here:
  • FCC Approves Hearing Aid Compatibility Order
    In October, the FCC ruled that 100% of cellphones sold in the US need to be hearing aid/CI compatible over next 2-3 1/2 years, making it easier for those with hearing loss to purchase a compatible device.
  • Introducing Phonak’s Audéo Sphere Infinio
    Phonak is diving deep into AI (artificial intelligent) and DNN (deep neural network). Starting today, August 7, 2024, The Infinio is available in the US. Read Hearing Tracker’s review
  • Covid and Hearing Loss in Young Adults
    Covid is associated with increased risk for hearing loss in young adults despite vaccination. The recent study  is in Lancet’s eClinicalMedicine journal.